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Welcome to the lab!

What are the benefits of working in this lab?  

  1. You can get first-hand experience working on research projects.

  2. You will learn more research skills using EEG (Electroencephalography), eye-tracking, and other psychophysiological measures. 

  3. You can learn neural imaging data analyses and related software package use (e.g., SPSS, Matlab).

  4. You can gain a deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms of psychological processing.

  5. You will have the opportunity to present data at local, national, or international conferences.

  6. You can complete your capstone or thesis research projects in this lab.

  7. Your research experience may improve the odds of getting into graduate school and/or medical school.

Who should join this lab?  

  1. If you are interested in psychological science and cognitive neuroscience research;

  2. If you are a self-motivated, hardworking, and responsible student with good academic standing.

  3. If you have at least taken one upper-division psychological course (such as Cognitive Psychology, Sensation & Perception, Language, Learning & Memory, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology)

  4. If you can devote at least 5 hours a week in the lab


You can join the lab as a (1) research volunteer, (2) project student, or (3) paid research assistant. 

What will you do if you join this lab?  

Depending on your specific role in the lab and your own interest, you may participate in one or more than one of the following research activities:

  • research a specific research question;

  • design a cognitive task;

  • call and book participants;

  • test participants using different equipment;

  • analyze behavioral, eye movement, and/or EEG data;

  • make posters and do presentations;

  • or write a research report for your course/thesis/journal publications

How do I apply to join the lab?

​Please fill out the CogNeuro Lab Application (duplicated from Dr. Caleb Siefert's document ) and email it to Dr. ZhongXu Liu at In your email, please make sure to indicate several times you are available to meet with Dr. Liu to discuss your application.


During the meeting, Dr. Liu will provide more information about the lab, review the requirements of lab membership, and determine if this lab is a good fit for your plan. Due to the limited space, it is not possible to accept everyone who applies. However, Dr. Liu will try to work with students who are not accepted into the lab to explore research positions elsewhere.


Dr. Caleb Siefert has written an excellent document—"A Primer and “to-do” list for Beginning Researchers". Please read the document if you would like to join this lab. 


(Some key information on this webpage is copied or modified with permission from Dr. Caleb Siefert's website.)

© 2023 by Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Zhongxu Liu

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